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What is it?

Radarr is a movie collection manager for Usenet and BitTorrent users. It can monitor multiple RSS feeds for new movies and will interface with clients and indexers to grab, sort, and rename them. It can also be configured to automatically upgrade the quality of existing files in the library when a better quality format becomes available.

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  • To access Radarr, visit https://radarr._yourdomain.com_


Click on "Settings" in the sidebar. Click "Show Advanced" at the top of the Settings pane.

Make changes in the following sections:


These settings control management of media files.

  • "Rename Movies": Yes

  • "Replace Illegal Characters": Yes

  • Colon Replacement Format: Delete

Note: You could use Replace with Space Dash but only if your file naming format is not using spaces (e.g. using dots) to separate words.

  • Set your preferred naming format; here are some examples.

TRaSH' naming guide [Recommended]

Go here for the latest updates. These examples may be out of date.


The Movie Title (2010) Ultimate Extended Edition [imdb-tt0066921][Surround Sound x264][Bluray-1080p Proper][3D][HDR][10bit][x264][DTS 5.1]-EVOLVE.mkv

Standard Movie Format:

{Movie CleanTitle} {(Release Year)} {Edition Tags} [imdb-{ImdbId}]{[Custom Formats]}{[Quality Full]}{[MediaInfo 3D]}{[MediaInfo VideoDynamicRange]}[{Mediainfo VideoBitDepth}bit][{Mediainfo VideoCodec}]{[Mediainfo AudioCodec}{ Mediainfo AudioChannels}]{-Release Group}


The TRaSH naming guide is recommended since some other tools, notably Plex Meta Manager, expect it in their default setup.

Plex's Naming Preference
/Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)/Guardians of the Galaxy (2014).mkv

Standard Movie Format:

{Movie Title} ({Release Year})

Movie Folder Format:

{Movie Title} ({Release Year})


Radarr's Wiki Example
The Movie Title (2010) - [ULTIMATE EXTENDED EDITION][BLURAY-1080P PROPER][DTS 5.1][X264]-EVOLVE.mkv

Standard Movie Format:



  • "Create empty movie folders": No

  • "Automatically Rename Folders": No

  • "Movie Paths Default to Static": No

  • "Skip Free Space Check": No

  • "Use Hardlinks instead of Copy": Yes

  • "Import Extra Files": Yes (can be your preference)

  • "Extra File Extensions": srt, sub, idx

  • "Ignore Deleted Movies": No (can be your preference)

  • "Download Propers": No (can be your preference)

  • "Analyse video files": No

  • "Change File Date": None

  • "Recycle Bin": blank (Rclone deletes are sent to Gdrive trash folder, anyway)

  • Set Permissions: No
  • Click "Save".

These settings control indexers and related behavior.

  1. Click Add Indexer (+).

  2. Select "Newznab".

  3. Add the following:

    Name: NZBHydra2

    Enable RSS Sync: Your Preference

    Enable Search: Your Preference

    URL: http://nzbhydra2:5076

    API Key: Your NZBHydra2 API Key

    Additional Parameters: Leave Blank

  4. Your settings will look like this:

    Radarr NZBHydra2

  5. Click "Save" to add NZBHydra2.

Note: The "Test" will keep failing until you add an indexer in NZBHydra2.

Note: Each Indexer you have defined in Jackett will need to be added separately.

  1. Click Add Indexer (+)

  2. Select "Torznab".

  3. Add the following:

    Name: Indexer Name

    Enable RSS Sync: Your Preference

    Enable Search: Your Preference

    URL: Indexer's Torznab Feed

    API Key: Your Jackett API Key

    Additional Parameters: Leave Blank

  4. Your settings will look like this:

    Radarr Jackett

  5. Click "Save" to add the indexer.

These settings control downloading behavior and clients.

  • "Enable": Yes

  • "Remove": Yes (can be your preference)

  • "Redownload": Yes

  • "Remove": Yes

  1. Click Add (+)

  2. Add a new "NZBGet" download client.

  3. Add the following:

    Name: NZBGet

    Enable: Yes

    Host: nzbget

    Port: 6789

    Username: Your NZBGet Username

    Password: Your NZBGet Password

    Category: radarr

    Use SSL: No

    Add Paused: No

  4. Your settings will look like this:

    Radarr NZBGet Downloader

  5. Click "Save" to add NZBGet.

  1. Click Add (+)

  2. Add a new "SABNzbd" download client.

  3. Add the following:

    Name: SABNzbd

    Enable: Yes

    Host: sabnzbd

    Port: 8080

    For authentication, you can use either an API key or a username/password.

    Category: radarr

    Use SSL: No

    Add Paused: No

  4. Your settings will look like this:

    Either API Key OR Username/Password should be filled in, not both

    Radarr Sabnzbd Downloader

  5. Click "Save" to add SABNzbd.

  1. Click Add (+)

  2. Add a new "rTorrent" download client.

  3. Add the following:

    Name: ruTorrent

    Enable: Yes

    Host: rutorrent

    Port: 80

    URL Path: RPC2

    Use SSL: No

    Username: Your ruTorrent Username

    Password: Your ruTorrent Password

    Category: radarr

    Directory: Leave Blank

  4. Your settings will now look like this:

    Radarr ruTorrent Downloader

  5. Click "Save" to add ruTorrent.

  1. Click Add ('+')

  2. Add a new "qBittorrent" download client.

  3. Add the following:

    Name: qBittorrent

    Enable: 'Yes'

    Host: 'qBittorrent'

    Port: '8080'

    Username: Your qBittorrent Username

    Password: Your qBittorrent Password

    Category: 'radarr'

  4. Your settings will now look like this:

    Radarr qBittorent Downloader

  5. Click "Save" to add qBittorrent

These settings control connections to other applications or systems.

Torrent Cleanup Script is a custom script that will cleanup torrents from ruTorrent that were auto-extracted, but still being seeded. So if the script detects that .rar files are in the folder that Radarr just imported from, it will delete the imported video file(s), leaving just the .rar files for seeding.

  1. Click "Settings" -> "Connect".

  2. Add a new "Custom Script".

  3. Add the following:

    Name: Torrent Cleanup

    On Grab: No

    On Download: Yes

    On Upgrade: Yes

    On Rename:No

    Path: /scripts/torrents/

  4. The settings will look like this:

    Radarr Torrent Cleanup Script CloudBox

  5. Click "Save" to add the Torrent Cleanup script.

  1. Click "Settings" -> "Connect".

  2. Add a new "Webhook".

  3. Add the following:

    Name: Autoscan

    On Grab: No

    On Import: Yes

    On Upgrade: Yes

    On Rename: Yes

    On Movie Added: No

    On Movie Delete: Yes

    On Movie File Delete: Yes

    On Movie File Delete For Upgrade: Yes

    On Health Issue: No

    On Health Restored: No

    Include Health Warnings: No

    On Application Update: No

    On Manual Intervention Required: No

    Tags: Leave Blank

    URL: http://autoscan:3030/triggers/radarr


    Username: AS SET IN AUTOSCAN CONFIG [defaults to Saltbox Username]

    Password: AS SET IN AUTOSCAN CONFIG [defaults to Saltbox Password]


  4. The settings will look like this:

    Radarr Autoscan

  5. Click "Save" to add Autoscan.

These settings control general aspects of Radarr.

  • "Bind Address: *

  • "Port Number": 7878

  • "URL Base": blank

  • "Enable SSL": No (SSL is handled by Traefik)

  • "Use Proxy": No
  • "Log Level": Debug
  • "Enable": No (your preference)

These settings may be grayed out or unavailable; skip this if that's the case.

  • "Branch": nightly or develop

  • "Automatic": Off

  • Click "Save".

Movies Path

  1. When you are ready to add your first movie to Radarr, click the "Path" drop-down and select "Add a new path".

  2. Click the blue "Browse" button, navigate to /mnt/unionfs/Media/Movies, scroll to the bottom, and select "OK".

  3. Click the green "check" button to add the path.

  4. All movies added now will have that path set.

Radarr Add


This is used during the setup of Overseerr and Organizr.

  • Go to "Settings" -> "General" -> "Security" -> "API Key".


TraSH Guides


Are you setting Saltbox up for the first time? Continue to Lidarr.